Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery Statement for A M Phillip Ltd, A M Phillip Trucktech Ltd, Gammies Groundcare Ltd, Forfar Motor Company Ltd referred to as A M Phillip.

Financial Year Ending 2023

This statement is made in accordance with Section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and outlines the steps that A M Phillip, a medium-sized vehicle and machinery dealership with 8 sites throughout Scotland, UK, has taken during the financial year ending 31 December 2023 to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains.


At A M Phillip, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all aspects of our business. Modern slavery, in any form – whether slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, or human trafficking – has no place in our operations. We take our responsibility seriously to ensure that modern slavery does not occur within our own organisation or in any part of our supply chain. This statement outlines the actions we have taken to identify and mitigate the risks of modern slavery during the past financial year.


Our Business and Supply Chain

A M Phillip operates as a vehicle and machinery dealership group specialising in the sale, servicing, and repair of cars and commercial vehicles as well as groundcare and agricultural equipment across 8 sites in Scotland and comprises of the following companies:

·        A M Phillip Limited – Reg No: SC081280

·        A M Phillip Trucktech Ltd – Reg No: SC287764

·        Gammies Groundcare Ltd – Reg No: SC586152

·        Forfar Motor Company Ltd Reg No: SC087382

Our supply chain includes manufacturers, parts suppliers, contractors, and service providers, both within the UK and internationally. We recognise that certain areas of our supply chain may pose higher risks of modern slavery, particularly where we source products from regions with less stringent labour protections.


Policies on Modern Slavery

We have a comprehensive Modern Slavery Policy that forms part of our broader Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy. This policy:

·        Prohibits all forms of modern slavery, forced labour, and human trafficking.

·        Outlines the responsibilities of all employees and suppliers in identifying and reporting instances of modern slavery.

·        Establishes due diligence procedures for assessing supplier risk and ensuring that our partners operate in accordance with ethical labour practices.

We also have policies that support our commitment to ethical business practices, including our Ethical Trading Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct, and Whistleblowing Policy.


Risk Assessment and Due Diligence

A M Phillip has conducted a risk assessment of our operations and supply chain to identify areas where there may be a higher risk of modern slavery. Key areas of focus include:

·        Supplier Due Diligence: We have implemented a supplier due diligence process, requiring all new suppliers to agree to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes provisions related to anti-slavery. We conduct regular reviews and audits of high-risk suppliers to ensure compliance.

·        Contracts and Agreements: All supplier contracts include specific clauses prohibiting the use of forced labour and human trafficking. Failure to comply with these terms may result in the termination of contracts and partnerships.

·        Procurement: We have reviewed our procurement processes to ensure that we source products and services from suppliers who uphold ethical labour standards.


Training and Awareness

We are committed to raising awareness of modern slavery risks among our employees and suppliers. During the last financial year, we provided the following training:

·        Employee Training: All staff, particularly those involved in procurement, supply chain management, and HR, received training on the risks of modern slavery and how to identify potential signs of exploitation. This training will continue on a regular basis to ensure ongoing awareness.

·        Supplier Communication: We communicated our Modern Slavery Policy to all key suppliers and business partners to ensure that they understand our zero-tolerance stance on slavery and human trafficking.


Monitoring and Reporting

We have established processes for monitoring and reporting potential instances of modern slavery:

·        Whistleblowing Mechanism: We provide a confidential whistleblowing channel for employees, suppliers, and contractors to report any concerns related to modern slavery or unethical business practices. All reports are investigated thoroughly, and appropriate actions are taken.

·        Supplier Audits: Where applicable, we conduct audits of our suppliers, particularly those operating in high-risk areas, to ensure compliance with our ethical standards and modern slavery policies.


Future Steps

Looking ahead, A M Phillip will continue to strengthen our efforts to combat modern slavery by:

·        Expanding our supplier audits and risk assessments, particularly with suppliers operating in regions where modern slavery risks are higher.

·        Enhancing employee and supplier training to ensure a deeper understanding of modern slavery risks.

·        Continuing to work closely with suppliers to foster transparency and ethical business practices throughout the supply chain.


We remain committed to taking all necessary steps to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and to supporting the social goals of our ESG strategy.


Board Approval

This Modern Slavery Statement has been approved by the board of directors and will be reviewed annually.


Sandy Phillip
A M Phillip Ltd
Date: 24/09/2024

This statement is available on our website and has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.