International Day of Clean Air: Reducing Machine Emissions
With today being International Day of Clean Air, this week’s blog is dedicated to how you can reduce machine emissions, which aids in the reduction of air pollution, and what other benefits, aside from environmental, this can bring
Garden and Groundcare machinery covers various different sectors including the public sector for personal use mowers and garden machinery, the agriculture sector, the business sector, and more. Because this machinery is spanned across multiple sectors it’s difficult to gauge how much each type of machinery contributes to emissions.
However, anyone who has ever worked with fueled machines for extensive hours knows just how much emissions they produce and how it impacts more than just the environment. So what is the best way to curb this?
Recent innovations in battery technology have allowed us to access the same level of power in battery-operated machines in comparison to their fueled counterparts. This, alongside the additional benefit of reduced running costs and less maintenance leading to less downtime, is one of the reasons many businesses and professionals are transitioning over to battery and cordless equipment.
Although many people may prefer their fueled machines which have lasted them years, if you operate machinery often, there are an abundance of benefits to switching to battery. These include:
- The large environmental benefit of reducing Emissions.
- The personal health benefit of reducing emissions inhaled during operation.
- The running cost benefit, battery costs a lot less in the long term than fuel. As well as the added convenience of recharging at home rather than having to venture out when you run out of fuel.
- Saved time and money from less maintenance issues. Many issues found in fueled equipment are from the engine or storing habits. Cordless equipment is known to have less frequent issues, saving you money in both maintenance costs and downtime.
- Performance data. Battery technology is the latest and often these machines come integrated (or have the additional option) of an asset management system allowing you to monitor important performance statistics, battery level, service reminders, location and more.
- Universal battery systems have made the transition to battery less expensive. Allowing you to slowly transition your fleet without the added cost of numerous batteries.
- Reduced vibration, regular users and professionals are exposed to less vibration, which is preventative of numerous hand and tissue issues associated with frequent exposure to vibrations.
What machines are now battery powered?
Contrary to some beliefs, it’s no longer just the smaller pieces of equipment which are battery powered. The aim to reduce emissions has extended through a range of sectors such as Agriculture and professional Turf care. This has led to a variety of machines boasting emission free alternatives. Here are just a few of our favorites:
Farmtrac offers an award winning, battery powered, emission free compact tractor the FT25G which allows those with limited space to have the versatility of a tractor and the benefit of all the corresponding attachments without emissions, making it safer to use more frequently and indoors.
Handheld equipment
The introduction of battery began with the transition of handheld equipment, however as these have developed they are more powerful than ever. Often, battery powered leaf blowers and chainsaws for example were expected to fall short of their fueled counterparts in power and running time. However now that is not the case, the majority of these machines are on par with their fueled alternatives and some even surpass them. In addition to this universal battery systems makes upgrading your fleet simple.
We supply a few brands which offer powerful, reliable and impressive battery ranges for both domestic users and professionals. These include Honda, Stihl and Husqvarna among others.
Turf care
The benefits of battery combined with the additional benefits of robotics has made both domestic and professional turf care even simpler.
Husqvarna, Honda and Stihl all offer domestic robotic mowers which have revolutionized how we maintain our lawns. Offering a simpler, emission free alternative to ever needing to pick up a mower again.
In the professional sector, robotics has developed to reduce emissions and improve worker safety with the use of remote control mowers. These machines are designed to tackle tough terrain, slopes and can be used alongside busy roads and on dangerous banks. We are dealers of Iseki, who distribute the Raymo, and Bomford turner who provide the flail bot.
Integrating these machines into everyday working practices, will aid in the global aim to reduce air pollution and improve the air quality for the future.
If you would like to learn more about the transition to battery equipment, get in touch.