A Sustainable Future: Electric Groundcare

A Sustainable Future: Electric Groundcare

We have all heard about the shift to electric which is appearing throughout the groundcare industry. But why exactly are people seeing the importance of this switch as well as other environmentally beneficial switches?


The Environmental Impact of Groundcare.


Firstly the most common form of pollution in groundcare is from fueled machinery. It is estimated that hour-for-hour fueled lawnmowers produce 11 times as much pollution as a new car (EPA)

This adds up in addition to other fueled machinery such brush cutters, hedge trimmers, leaf blowers, and more. It is estimated that lawn care in general produces a staggering 13 billion pounds of pollutants each year.

Lawn clippings

However, fuel is not the only culprit. Lawn clippings are surprisingly costly to the environment. There is a huge amount of lawn clippings sent to landfills. These clippings then cost in the air pollution used to transport them, and as they decompose in the landfill, they produce methane. As well as this it is a large waste of organic nutrients that could have been used on the lawn, which occasionally is then replaced by chemicals that produce a whole different cycle of environmental harm.

The benefits of grass

It’s not all doom and gloom, lawns in themselves are good for the environment. We need them, grass absorbs carbon dioxide, similar to trees, but on a smaller scale. Lawns which are kept healthy are great at producing oxygen and maintaining air quality.


What can be done?

There are many different alternatives to aid in reducing the environmental impact of groundcare, although transitioning to electric is a large aspect of it, it’s not the only thing you can do.

Minimizing the impact of fueled machines.

If you’re one of those people who aren’t ready to evolve into the electric era yet, or simply want to get the rest of their use out of their fueled equipment before investing in electric, there are some ways you can help reduce the impact your equipment is having.

Fuel alternatives.

Most people who use fueled equipment know about Aspen. This great invention benefits more than just the consumers who see a huge improvement in the maintenance of their machinery it also benefits the environment. Aspen contains a substantially lower amount of harmful substances, reducing harmful emissions. This fuel is around 99% cleaner than using ordinary fuel.

A simple switch such as this can substantially aid the environment, particularly if you are a heavy user of lawncare & groundcare machinery or are a business.


Ensuring your machine is maintained properly and is working efficiently will ensure that you are not producing more emissions and noise pollution.

Lawn clippings

Avoiding lawn clippings going to the landfill can aid a lot in reducing methane production as well as reducing the emissions produced in transport. Although they have to go somewhere, a few considerably less impactful options can be taken.

Mulching, leaving the grass on your lawn to deteriorate reduces its waste as it acts as a natural fertilizer, benefiting both you and your lawn.

Composting. Although composing itself will still produce CO2 it is substantially better than the amount of methane produced in landfills, as well as this you can use the compost as fertilizer in your garden, replacing your bought fertilizer.

We cannot eliminate co2 production, so reducing it where possible is a positive step. Check out this great blog post from garden myths for more information on the most environmentally friendly compositing methods.


Electric is the way forward.

Although there are methods of reducing fueled machines’ impact, it’s still not comparable to the reduced impact electric brings. Although electric & battery operated machinery is not entirely environmentally friendly due to the impact of the creation of lithium batteries (Learn more about this in our past blog post ” Why go cordless?”) This technology is still leading in reducing the emissions produced by the industry as a whole and is why adoption of this equipment has increased drastically in recent years.


Hesitation for the switch to electric often comes with concerns of reduced runtime, power, and cost. However, with technological advancements which are continuing quickly in this sector, the runtime has significantly increased in recent models with battery switching, a good alternative for professionals. As well as this, the power of these machines is now designed to match or exceed those of their fueled counterparts.

Cost is still a large barrier for a lot of those looking to switch. The most cost-effective solution to transferring your equipment to battery is purchasing one brand for most of your equipment. The reason for this being is that most battery-powered equipment runs off a universal battery system designed for that brand of equipment. For example, purchasing a Husqvarna hedge trimmer but a Stihl blower will lead you to need to purchase two batteries, but sticking to one brand will allow you to switch the batteries. Ideal for domestic users as you are unlikely to use two machines at once.

Commercial benefits

There are a huge amount of benefits for commercial users switching to electricity. There are new features integrated into new electric technology which make it desirable for large-scale applications. Including:

  • Fewer Emissions – One of the most obvious benefits is a reduction in emissions. This benefits the environment as well as the workers who are using this equipment for extended periods. Reducing the number of emissions they inhale daily can reduce the negative impact on their health.
  • Reduction in running cost – Running electric equipment costs less than fueled counterparts, this will be seen significantly more in large-scale applications.
  • Convenience – Charging a battery is much more convenient than getting fuel. This can be done on the go, between jobs, and having a spare battery and switching can mean continuous running of your machine.
  • Less noise – For landscapers, council workers, and anyone working near or in public areas. Limiting noise can be essential. The low amount of noise produced by electric equipment allows workers to work around the public without disruption and also aids in protecting the hearing of the workers who are using the equipment for extended periods.
  • Vibration reduction – Battery-operated machines have an exceptionally lower amount of vibration than those with engines. Reducing the amount of vibration workers have to deal with can help them prevent issues often associated with long-term exposure to high levels of vibration such as circulation issues which also have a risk of damaging nerves within your hands and forearms.
  • Fleet services – electric devices are also beginning to include additional features designed to improve commercial users’ efficiency. A great example of this is Husqvarna’s fleet services which allows you to use an app to connect your entire fleet. Giving you insights such as location, battery charge, performance review, service reminders, and more.
  • Reduction in maintenance – although these machines do still require frequent servicing to keep them in top condition and working as efficiently as possible, they come with a lower chance of engine-related issues, which is more often than not the main cause of starting and performance issues in fueled machines. Making them less costly to maintain and also less of an inconvenience.
  • Autonomous solutions – these have come a long way, no longer exclusively for domestic users, autonomous solutions offer a simpler way of maintenance. They allow the professionals to free up their time for more complex tasks rather than monotonous mowing. An example of this is the Husqvarna Ceora. Ideal for large-scale turf care.
  • As well as autonomous solutions, there are remote control solutions designed to save the user time as well as to improve workers’ safety. For example, the remote control mower, Raymo is available as either a fully electric model or a hybrid. This mower is designed to work on uneven ground such as slopes and banks which can be difficult to maintain manually and comes with safety hazards for those working on it.

Domestic benefits tend to include the same points, Lower emissions, less maintenance, convenience, reduction in running cost, less noise, less health impact, and availability of autonomous solutions.

So, do the benefits convince you to make the switch?